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The Digital Government Review of Romania evaluates the efforts made by the government to transition towards digital government. It provides in-depth analysis and actionable policy recommendations to improve institutional governance, digital investments, digital talent and skills, government service delivery and the strategic use of data, including open government data. The findings can help Romania use digital technology and data to make its public sector more responsive, resilient and proactive in serving citizens and businesses.

Las Directrices sobre Participación Ciudadana de la OCDE están dirigidas a cualquier funcionario o institución pública con intención de llevar a cabo un proceso de participación ciudadana. Las directrices describen diez pasos para diseñar, planificar, implementar y evaluar un proceso de participación ciudadana, y describen ocho métodos diferentes para implicar a los ciudadanos: información y datos, cabildos abiertos, consultas públicas, innovación abierta, ciencia ciudadana, monitoreo cívico, presupuestos participativos y procesos deliberativos representativos. Las directrices se ilustran con ejemplos y orientaciones prácticas basadas en datos recopilados por la OCDE. Por último, se presentan nueve principios rectores para ayudar a garantizar la calidad de estos procesos.

  • 15 Dec 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 271

This report assesses the current state of connectivity in Southeast Asia and provides tailored recommendations for extending broadband access, focusing on five countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. The analysis builds upon the OECD Recommendation on Broadband Connectivity, which provides a reference for policy makers and regulatory authorities within and outside of the OECD. Using the principles of the Recommendation as a roadmap, countries may be better able to unleash the full potential of connectivity for the digital transformation and to ensure equal access to connectivity for all users.

  • 15 Dec 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 151

Efforts to respond to global challenges have greatly benefited from space technologies that are more advanced, perform more efficiently and are operating at greater scale than ever before. But as the challenges facing society grow and intensify, questions arise as to whether the space sector can continue to deliver on its promise. Reaping the full benefits of what space activities have to offer will require substantial and targeted government action. Key priorities include maintaining the continuity and quality of government civilian missions, levelling the playing field for private actors entering the market, and securing the orbital environment for future generations. This edition of the Space Economy in Figures delves into these topics, drawing from both established and novel economic and policy data sources.

This report, linked with the Digital Education Outlook 2023, provides an overview of 29 countries’ (or jurisdictions') digital education ecosystem and governance. Each chapter covers the devolution of responsibilities within countries; how it affects digital education; what digital tools for management and teaching and learning are made publicly available to schools, teachers and students; how they are provided or procured; how countries ensure the security, privacy, equity and effectiveness of this digital ecosystem while keeping incentives for private education technology (EdTech) companies. The information and analysis are based on a survey on digital education infrastructure and governance, interviews with national and regional government officials as well as desk-based research.

Providing for the first time a holistic view of 29 countries’ and jurisdictions' digital education ecosystem and governance, this report will be of interest to policy makers, academics and education stakeholders interested in the digital transformation of education at home and internationally.

The Digital Education Outlook 2023 provides a comparative, thematic analysis of how countries shape or could shape their digital ecosystem. Student information systems (or Education Management Information System - EMIS), learning management systems, digital assessment platforms, study and careers guidance: what are the different components of countries’ digital education ecosystem? How and to what extent do countries leverage teachers' digital competences and the latest opportunities offered by artificial intelligence (AI)? How can countries make the most of their digital ecosystem so that it is trustworthy, useful, effective, and equitable? How do and can countries allow for digital education to continue to improve and innovate education? Based on numerous country examples coming from an OECD survey on countries’ digital education infrastructure and governance and from desk research, the report shows where countries stand and where they could be going from there to benefit from the digital transformation. It also points to opportunities, guidelines and guardrails about the effective and equitable use of AI in education.

The report covers most OECD countries and a few partner countries. It will be of interest to policy makers, academics and all education stakeholders interested in the digital transformation of education systems. Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governance: A Companion to Digital Education Outlook 2023 supplements this publication by providing detailed and comprehensive information for each country.

  • 30 Nov 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 133

The bioeconomy brings opportunities for economic growth while tackling climate change. Fossil carbon resources can be replaced by bio-based carbon resources, especially biomass. To allow these solutions to be scaled up without threats to biodiversity and the environment, it is necessary to develop the bioeconomy as a circular economy. With this carbon management approach, other sources of carbon complement biomass: industrial waste, including gases such as CO and CO2, as well as physically and chemically recycled carbon. In the future, direct air capture (DAC) may become competitive and form part of the solution. These approaches can be considered ‘circular’ because they close material loops and keep carbon recycling in the economy rather than emitting carbon to the atmosphere. This report reviews a number of hybrid technologies that can be deployed to ‘defossilise’ economic sectors and sets out policy options to bring these technologies to commercial scale.

  • 20 Nov 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 118

The COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the Umbrian economy, and despite recovery of labour demand, the region faces challenges related to digitalisation, tight labour markets, and volatile demand for low-skilled jobs. To address these issues, the OECD and the Umbrian regional agency for active labour market policies (ARPAL) have collaborated to investigate the labour and skills demand of the region using big data techniques applied to online job postings. This report provides new insights into the alignment between labour and skills demand and the training options available in the training and education programmes contained in the Umbrian Regional Training Catalogue. This report builds new indicators to measure the alignment of course content with employer demands in Umbria, with results showing that alignment is relatively good for some occupations but that this can be strengthened to provide job seekers with up-to-date training options that match the demand of the labour market.

  • 16 Nov 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 218

When it comes to high-tech innovations, the United States leads the path amongst OECD economies. However, in the context of the national record-breaking activities in high tech innovation, there lies distinct and growing geographical disparities. This report dives into strategies for better understanding innovation that occurs in rural places, and places outside major metropolitan areas, often going beyond science and technology. It provides analysis and recommendations to support regional development initiatives aimed at closing the gaps in innovation between rural and urban areas. The report includes a special topic chapter on the role of broadband and education in rural areas, exploring trends and providing policy recommendations to enhance rural innovation through these specific and critical framework conditions.

  • 03 Nov 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 167

The digital economy is growing, with producers increasingly using digital technology to revolutionise their production processes, and with new business models being created based on the digital transformation. To improve the visibility of digitalisation in macroeconomic statistics, the Digital Supply and Use Tables (SUTs) framework has been developed under the auspices of the OECD’s Informal Advisory Group (IAG) on Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy. In the Digital SUTs framework, three dimensions are introduced for measuring the digital economy: the nature of the transaction (the “how”), the goods and services produced (the “what”), and the new digital industries (the “who”). The OECD Handbook on Compiling Digital SUTs explains these three dimensions and includes examples. It also presents the high priority indicators that have been agreed by the IAG and includes recommended templates for producing the outputs.

  • 18 Oct 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 537

Ces dernières années, l'économie mondiale a subi de profonds chocs qui ont eu un impact considérable sur les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et les entrepreneurs. Alors qu'un soutien gouvernemental rapide et massif a permis à ces entreprises de faire face aux conséquences économiques directes de la pandémie de COVID-19, de nouvelles menaces surgissent. La montée des tensions géopolitiques et des risques financiers mondiaux, une inflation élevée, le resserrement des politiques monétaires et fiscales, les pénuries de main-d'œuvre, les barrières commerciales et le ralentissement de l'intégration aux chaînes de valeur mondiales sont autant de facteurs qui contribuent à rendre l'environnement commercial des PME hostile. De plus, il est urgent d’accélérer leur contribution aux transitions verte et numérique, et de les aider à mieux s’orienter sur la scène internationale où les échanges et les investissements sont aujourd’hui en pleine mutation. Dans ce contexte, les Perspectives de l'OCDE sur les PME et l'entrepreneuriat 2023 abordent les tendances récentes en termes de performance des PME, l'évolution de leurs conditions d'activité ainsi que les implications pour l'action publique qui en découlent. Cette publication se penche également sur le thème général de l'intégration des PME à toute une série de réseaux, notamment les réseaux mondiaux de production et de chaînes d'approvisionnement, le rôle des entreprises dirigées par des femmes dans les échanges internationaux, les réseaux de connaissances et d'innovation, et les écosystèmes de compétences. De plus, l'accent est placé sur les politiques mises en place pour faciliter l'accès des PME à ces réseaux afin de leur permettre de tirer pleinement parti des transformations qu’elles subissent actuellement. Dans sa seconde partie, le rapport propose des profils statistiques nationaux qui comparent chacun des 38 pays de l'OCDE à travers toute une série d'indicateurs-clés.

  • 13 Oct 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 130

This report explores the current state of Internet of Things (IoT) adoption and usage in OECD countries among businesses, households, and individuals. It analyzes IoT trends based on semiconductors, patents, venture capital investments, and firms. Additionally, it includes two case studies that examine the implementation of IoT in manufacturing and healthcare.

  • 03 Oct 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 239

Le rapport Objectif croissance, mis à jour tous les deux ans, examine les réformes structurelles mises en œuvre dans les domaines politiques identifiées comme des priorités pour stimuler la croissance dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans certains pays non membres. La sélection est soutenue par des indicateurs comparables à l’échelle internationale qui permettent aux pays d’évaluer leurs performances économiques et les politiques structurelles dans un large éventail de secteurs. Pour cette édition, Objectif croissance fournit des conseils spécifiques à chaque pays pour des politiques structurelles visant à renforcer les fondamentaux de la croissance et à ouvrir la voie à la croissance verte et numérique. Quatre domaines politiques clés sont identifiés : améliorer la conception des programmes de soutien social ; augmenter la croissance potentielle en supprimant les obstacles à l’utilisation efficace des ressources ; assurer des progrès plus rapides vers la décarbonisation ; faire de la transformation numérique un moteur de croissance de la productivité.

La version complète sera disponible mi-octobre 2023.

  • 03 Oct 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

The Going for Growth report, updated biennially, looks at structural reforms in policy areas that have been identified as priorities to boost growth in OECD and selected non-OECD countries. The selection of priorities is supported by internationally comparable indicators that enable countries to assess their economic performance and structural policies in a wide range of areas. For this edition, Going for Growth advises on country-specific structural policy priorities to strengthen growth fundamentals and pave the way for successful green and digital transitions. Four key policy areas are identified: enhancing the design of social support programs; lifting potential growth by removing obstacles to effective resource utilisation; securing faster progress towards decarbonization; making the digital transformation a driver of productivity growth.


En mai 2023, les dirigeants du G7 ont recensé les thèmes à examiner dans le cadre du processus d’Hiroshima et demandé l’établissement rapide d’un état des lieux des possibilités et enjeux associés à l’IA générative. Ce rapport donne à voir les réponses reçues à un questionnaire conçu pour faciliter cet état des lieux et doit étayer les échanges du G7 au sujet des priorités d’action communes en ce qui concerne cette technologie. Il permet également de brosser une rapide vue d’ensemble de son évolution dans le temps et dans l’espace. Le rapport et les réponses au questionnaire doivent être considérés comme le reflet de la situation à un instant T : ils donnent une idée des tendances observables à l’été 2023, dans un contexte technologique en mutation rapide. Le rapport a contribué à éclairer et structurer les discussions tenues dans le cadre du processus du G7, dit d’Hiroshima, sur l’IA.


As societies become increasingly digital, the importance of cyber security has grown significantly for individuals, companies, and nations. The rising number of cyber attacks surpasses the existing defense capabilities, partly due to a shortage of skilled cyber security professionals. This report delves into the analysis of the demand for cyber security experts in Latin America, using information from online job postings in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. The analysis investigates recent trends in job demand for various cyber security roles, the geographical distribution of cyber security job postings, and the evolving skill requirements in this field. Additionally, the report focuses on the supply side by examining the landscape of cyber security education and training programmes in Colombia. It explores the different types of programmes offered in vocational and higher education, the characteristics of learners enrolled in these programmes, and their outcomes. Lastly, the report examines policies and initiatives implemented in Colombia to enhance the accessibility and relevance of cyber security education and training programmes. This report is part of a broader initiative that examines the evolution of policies and experiences in the cyber security profession around the world.

  • 12 Sept 2023
  • OECD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • Pages: 139

Half a century after independence, Bangladesh has achieved impressive progress. The country has transformed from one of the poorest nations into a global textile manufacturing hub capable of meeting its medical needs almost entirely through domestic pharmaceutical production. The country will graduate from the least developed country (LDC) category in 2026 and aspires to be a high-income nation through industrialisation by 2041. Meeting this challenge requires accelerating economic transformation through diversification and innovation. This Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR), implemented with the support and collaboration of the European Union (EU), and in partnership with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), identifies concrete options for supporting Bangladesh’s development. It calls for leveraging digitalisation to address persistent fragilities and it advocates for a new pact based on shared responsibilities between the national government, the private sector and international partners to shift to a new development phase and ensure sustainable, smooth and irreversible graduation.

  • 08 Sept 2023
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America
  • Pages: 233

This report explores how governments in Latin America and the Caribbean can use digital technology and data to foster responsiveness, resilience and proactiveness in the public sector. This report looks at governance frameworks, digital government capabilities, data-driven public sector, public service design and delivery, and digital innovation in the public sector. It identifies trends, challenges, strengths, and opportunities for cross-border collaboration and provides policy recommendations to achieve an efficient and sustainable digital transformation of governments across the region.


This report examines Alberta's labour market trends, focusing on the impact of economic downturns, the COVID-19 crisis, and digital transformation. This study uses real-time labour market data, drawn from online job postings, to offer a granular perspective on demand dynamics across various sectors and occupations. The analysis in the report identifies emerging labour shortages in Alberta due to mega-trends such as digitalisation, AI adoption, automation, and population ageing and discusses key challenges such as youth unemployment and sector-specific labour shortages. The analysis in this report provides insights for policy makers, suggesting a need to support growing sectors, enhance digital skills development, address demand for health workers, and improve youth job access.

In May 2023, G7 Leaders identified topics for discussion in the Hiroshima Artificial Intelligence (AI) Process and called for an early stocktaking of opportunities and challenges related to generative AI. This report presents the results of a questionnaire to G7 members developed to support the stocktaking and help guide G7 discussions on common policy priorities about generative AI. It also provides a brief overview of the development of generative AI over time and across countries. The report and questionnaire results represent a snapshot in time: they are indicative of trends identified in the first half of 2023 in a rapidly evolving area of technology. The report helped inform and structure discussions of the G7 Hiroshima AI Process.

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