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This Digital Government Review of Türkiye explores how the Government of Türkiye can use digital technology and data to help the public sector become more responsive, resilient and proactive. It evaluates the efforts made so far by Türkiye in achieving digital government maturity by looking at governance, institutional capacities, digital skills, public service design and delivery, enabling building blocks and the strategic management and use of data. The review provides policy recommendations intended to help the Government of Türkiye fully benefit from digital technologies and data to realise the potential of the digital age in transforming the public sector and the services provided to the public.
Digital Government in Mexico discusses and assesses the efforts of the Mexican Government to build a stronger system of digital government under the Coordination of the National Digital Strategy of the Office of the President. It presents the key policy actions, achievements and co-ordination challenges, and looks at how policy objectives are implemented. The study examines the main initiatives for promoting digital inclusion, reinforcing public sector capacity, and achieving efficient public service design and delivery. This report also assesses the state of data governance, open government data and its strategic use, and the sharing of public sector data both within and beyond the public sector.
This digital government study explores the state of the digitalisation of the public sector in Peru. It addresses recent efforts to build an institutional and legal framework to support the digital transformation of the public sector. It also discusses the design and delivery of, and access to, public services, and the role that digital technologies can play in improving them. Finally, this report assesses the state of data governance and open data in Peru’s public sector.
This report discusses how the digital transformation – digital technologies, data and software, AI-based analytics and other advances – is changing innovation processes and outcomes. It highlights the general trends across the economy and factors behind sector-specific dynamics, including increasing use of data as a key input for innovation, the expanding possibilities for experimentation offered by virtual simulation, 3D printing and other digital technologies, and the growing focus on services innovation enabled by digital technologies.
In view of such changes, this report evaluates how innovation policies should adapt to foster innovation and inclusive development in the digital age, and identifies priority areas for policy action. It also explores novel innovation policy approaches implemented by countries to foster digital technology adoption and collaborative innovation.
Recent digital innovations provide opportunities to deliver better policies for the agriculture sector by helping to overcome information gaps and asymmetries, lower policy-related transaction costs, and enable people with different preferences and incentives to work better together. Drawing on ten illustrative case studies and unique new data gathered via an OECD questionnaire on agri-environmental policy organisations' experiences with digital tools, this report explores opportunities to improve current agricultural and agri-environmental policies, and to deliver new, digitally enabled and information-rich policy approaches. It also considers challenges that organisations may face to make greater use of digital tools for policy, as well as new risks which increased use of digital tools may bring. The report provides practical advice on how policy makers can address challenges and mitigate risks to ensure digital opportunities for policy are realised in practice. Finally, the report briefly considers the broader regulatory and policy environment underpinning digitalisation of the agriculture sector, with the view to ensuring that use of digital tools for agricultural and agri-environmental policy remains coherent with the digitalisation of agriculture more generally.
This OECD Recommendation and its Companion Document provide guidance for all stakeholders on the economic and social prosperity dimensions of digital security risk. In an economic context in which the digital environment has become essential to growth and prosperity, well-being and inclusiveness, digital security risk should be considered with respect to the broader economic and social perspective, and its management integrated in stakeholders’ decision making processes.
Since 2019, digital transformation has been a clear policy priority in Uzbekistan. While the country has made significant progress in terms of Internet access, quality and affordability, digital uptake among firms remains low. This lack of digital skills seems to be a limiting factor affecting the digital transformation of business.
Based on recent OECD work on digitalisation, this report examines what is holding back the digital upskilling of businesses in Uzbekistan. It suggests three sets of policy actions: (1) developing a supportive institutional framework for the digital uptake of firms; (2) raising firms’ awareness of the importance of acquiring digital and complementary skills; and (3) expanding existing support to digitalise while addressing the gender digital divide.
Digital transformations bring about fundamental changes in how institutions – from governments to businesses – operate. National statistical offices (NSOs) face growing expectations from data users and need to adapt their digital capabilities accordingly. For NSOs in low and middle-income countries, who may have had limited exposure to digitalisation to date, keeping pace with rapid technological change is challenging.
This report uses examples from six NSOs to explore common barriers for NSOs in their digital transformations and identifies specific drivers. The report makes a case for digital transformations through more comprehensive institutional changes such as governance, procurement and human resources. In addition, the report outlines specific recommendations at the individual, technological, organisational and system level to guide NSOs and their partners towards a successful digital transformation.
Promoting innovation requires innovative government policy. Innovation through the creation, diffusion and use of knowledge has become a key driver of economic growth and provides part of the response to many new societal challenges. However, the determinants of innovation performance have changed in a globalising, knowledge-based economy. Government policy to boost innovation performance must be adapted accordingly, based on a sound conceptual framework. Synthesising the results of a multi-year OECD project on national innovation systems (NIS), this publication demonstrates how the NIS approach can be implemented in designing and implementing more efficient technology and innovation policies.
Las Directrices sobre Participación Ciudadana de la OCDE están dirigidas a cualquier funcionario o institución pública con intención de llevar a cabo un proceso de participación ciudadana. Las directrices describen diez pasos para diseñar, planificar, implementar y evaluar un proceso de participación ciudadana, y describen ocho métodos diferentes para implicar a los ciudadanos: información y datos, cabildos abiertos, consultas públicas, innovación abierta, ciencia ciudadana, monitoreo cívico, presupuestos participativos y procesos deliberativos representativos. Las directrices se ilustran con ejemplos y orientaciones prácticas basadas en datos recopilados por la OCDE. Por último, se presentan nueve principios rectores para ayudar a garantizar la calidad de estos procesos.
Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África usa as lições de cinco regiões do continente – África Central, África Oriental, Norte de África, África Austral e África Ocidental – para desenvolver recomendações em matéria de políticas públicas e partilhar boas práticas. Com base nas estatísticas mais recentes, esta análise das dinâmicas de desenvolvimento visa ajudar os líderes africanos a cumprirem as metas da Agenda 2063 da União Africana a todos os níveis: continental, regional, nacional e local.
A edição de 2021, agora publicada no início do ano, analisa a forma como a digitalização pode criar empregos de qualidade e contribuir para a concretização da Agenda 2063, tornando assim as economias africanas mais resilientes à recessão mundial desencadeada pela pandemia do COVID-19. O relatório identifica quatro áreas principais para a transformação digital de África: colmatar o fosso digital, apoiar a inovação local, capacitar os trabalhadores independentes, e harmonizar, aplicar e monitorizar as estratégias digitais. Esta edição inclui um novo capítulo que analisa as perspetivas de financiamento do desenvolvimento de África no contexto da crise económica mundial de 2020.
Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África tem por vocação alimentar o debate entre os membros da União Africana, assim como os cidadãos e os empreendedores. O seu objetivo é contribuir para um novo modelo de colaboração entre países e entre regiões centrado na aprendizagem mútua e na preservação dos bens comuns. O relatório é o resultado de uma parceria entre a Comissão da União Africana e o Centro de Desenvolvimento da OCDE.
Digitalizācija Latvijā analizē jaunākās attīstības tendences Latvijas digitālajā ekonomikā, pārskata ar digitalizāciju saistītās politikas un sniedz ieteikumus par politikas saskaņotības palielināšanu šajā jomā, pamatojoties uz ESAO Going Digital integrētās politikas struktūru.
Pārskatā tiek izmantots stratēģiska perspektīva, lai izpētītu trīs alternatīvus nākotnes scenārijus, kas var izveidoties globālās ekonomikas un sabiedrības digitālās transformācijas rezultātā. Tajā tiek pētīta arī sakaru tīklu un pakalpojumu pieejamība Latvijā, kā arī saistītās politikas un regulējumi. Turklāt pārskatā tiek aplūkotas fi zisku personu, uzņēmumu un valdības tendences digitālās tehnoloģijas izmantošanas jomā, kā arī izpētītas politikas, lai sekmētu izplatīšanu. Visbeidzot pārskatā tiek analizētas digitalizācijas radītās iespējas un izaicinājumi galvenajās jomās, sākot ar inovācijām un prasmēm un beidzot ar digitālo drošību un datu pārvaldību, kā arī novērtētas politikas reakcijas uz šīm pārmaiņām Latvijā.
Šī publikācija ir Going Digital in Latvia tulkojums, kas ir daļa no OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation sērijas, kas publicēts tikai angļu valodā.
Die in den neunziger Jahren und auch noch zu Beginn dieses Jahrzehnts beobachteten Wachstumsmuster haben die früheren Theorien auf den Kopf gestellt. Während des größten Teils der Nachkriegszeit wurde in den OECD-Ländern mit vergleichsweise geringem Pro-Kopf-BIP ein stärkeres Wirtschaftswachstum verzeichnet als in den reicheren Ländern. In den neunziger Jahren wurde diese scheinbare Gesetzmäßigkeit dann aber durchbrochen. Namentlich die Vereinigten Staaten, deren Pro-Kopf-BIP im Vergleich zu den anderen großen Volkswirtschaften bereits relativ hoch war, konnten ihren Vorsprung ab Mitte der neunziger Jahre weiter vergrößern. Die Wirtschaftsleistung der meisten kontinentaleuropäischen Länder ist demgegenüber nach wie vor schwach, und die japanische Wirtschaft stagniert weiterhin.
Wo liegen die Hauptursachen für die Wachstumsunterschiede innerhalb der OECD? Bis zu welchem Grad sind sie auf neue Technologien und FuE zurückzuführen? Welche Rolle spielt die makroökonomische Politik? Wie wichtig sind Aus- und Weiterbildung? Welchen Einfluss haben Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitsmarktflexibilität und Produktmarktwettbewerb? Führen Startups dem Markt Kapital und neue Ideen zu? Welche Bedeutung haben die Hemmnisse für Unternehmensgründungen und ‑aufgaben? Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über diese Fragen und liefert neue Erkenntnisse über die Antriebskräfte des Wirtschaftswachstums in den OECD-Ländern.
Wird das Zusammenspiel dieser Kräfte für eine positive gesellschaftliche Entwicklung sorgen oder liegt eine düstere Zukunft vor uns? Das hier bestehende Potential zu nutzen, ist eine vordringliche Aufgabe der Politik, denn Unsicherheit und Antagonismen stellen eine reale Gefahr dar.
Wird mehr Diversität - eine an sich positive Entwicklung - weltweit zu grösserer Ungleichheit führen? Wird der Zugang zu neuem Wissen und neuen Technologien die Kluft vertiefen oder verringern? Welche Weichenstellungen sollte die Politik treffen, damit die zunehmende Differenzierung innerhalb und zwischen Gesellschaften die Kreativität fördert, und nicht etwa wachsende Spannungen entstehen lässt?
Diese Veröffentlichung setzt sich mit unserer sich schnell wandelnden Welt auseinander, und untersucht die Politikansätze, die erforderlich sein werden, um den Übergang zu einem langfristig tragfähigen gesellschaftlichen Fundament zu erleichtern.